Farm Day in Stafford, organized and hosted by the Stafford Advisory Agricultural Commission, celebrates our strong agricultural community and farms. The event is well attended by Stafford and area residents. Families enjoy Animal and Farm Exhibits, Children’s Activities, Crafter Booths, Community, Business and Civic Organization Booths, Food Trucks, Tractor Display, Music and Wagon Ride to 3 Area Farms. All proceeds will be used to promote and support agriculture in Stafford. Future projects may include Community Garden, Scholarships for Agriculture and possibly a Community Farm Store.
Farm Day Sponsorship Options
Gold - $500 and Up
Listed as Gold Sponsor on Farm Day Sponsorship Sign
Listed as Gold Sponsor on Website
Mentioned in Social Media
(2) 10' x 10' Exhibitor Booths at Farm Day (optional)
Silver - $250 - $499
Listed as Silver Sponsor on Farm Day Sponsorship Sign
Listed as Silver Sponsor on Website
Mentioned in Social Media
(1) 10' x 10' Exhibitor Booth at Farm Day (optional)
Bronze - $50 - $249
Listed as Bronze Sponsor on Farm Day Sponsorship Sign
Listed on Website
Mentioned in Social Media
Kids' Activity Sponsor - Varies
Sponsor Rock Painting, Pumpkin Painting, Ball Toss, Coloring or any other activity you might like to add. New ideas and activities welcome! Opportunity to have your team volunteer that day. Company is asked to purchase all that is required for the area and be at the booth for the day. Great opportunity to talk with local families.
Custom sign at activity displayed at Farm Day
Listed on Website
Mentioned in Social Media
Contributors - Up to $49​
Should the event be cancelled for any reason sponsorships will be held until the following year. No refunds will be issued.
Questions? Please contact: Sandra Tronsky
(860) 726-8710
Once your form is submitted we will contact you to make payment arrangements. Thank you!
If you answered 'Yes' to question (3) please continue to question (4). If you answered 'No' to question (3) please skip to question (5).
Exhibitor spaces will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. We will do our best to accommodate any special requests but cannot guarantee a certain space. Farms are all grouped in a Farmers’ Market area. Animal exhibits are in an animal area. Food trucks and vendors are all on Heritage Park.
Chairs, tents, tables and electricity are not provided. Set up is 7:00 - 9:00 am on the day of the event. All vendors and exhibitors must remain set up until 5:00 pm on Saturday or 3:00 pm on Sunday. Those exhibitors staying both days do not need to take down their exhibit Saturday. Food vendors must obtain all necessary permits from Town of Stafford and Health Department and provide proof of insurance. Animal exhibitors must work with the Farm Day Animal Exhibit Coordinator to provide proper health papers. Check-in instructions and booth assignments will be sent via email prior to the event.